Sunday, 1 November 2009

Shuffl sprint 6 progress review

Progress during this sprint has been fairly poor, largely due to distraction from both personal and non-project affairs. The total amount of effort spent was 3.5 days against planned effort of 8 days. A further factor impacting progress was that reorganizing the code to enable graph label-row selection in a data table took about a day longer than expected.

On the positive side, I did hold a second review meeting with Chris Holland, and the current development is being conducted very much in response to his feedback, to make the data graphing display more useful to him.

Also on the positive side, the mechanisms for linking data between cards seem to be working nicely (e.g. when I reload new data into a table card, or change the label row, an associated graph card updates immediately; but I do need to capture this relationship when I save and restore a workspace).

Some thoughts about sprint planning: for this sprint, having fewer than 4 days actual effort expended, the sprint planning and review process seems to lack sufficient data to be meaningful. In setting sprint duration, it would seem reasonable to take account of the total amount of effort being applied rather than simply the number of elapsed days. I don't plan to change the duration of the remaining two sprints for this project, but for future projects, planning sprints with fewer than 10-15 total days of effort may be something to avoid.

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